Friday 15 April 2011

This too shall pass...

There comes a time in your life when you can neither move forward nor go back. This morning I realized that is exactly where I am. To some it might be a beautiful morning, bright and sunny, with a promising day ahead; to others it might be just another day with the same mundane chores. But there must be at least one more person in the world besides me for whom this morning brings nothing but numbness. There are no rainbows, no music, no birds chirping; just a void... You feel that you have come too far leaving everything you were familiar with and everyone you knew behind, so much so that it's now just a blur. You can't go back to something you can't see anymore. So you try to move forward, flailing your arms, in the hope of grabbing on to something that would lead you to a place full of hope. But your feet are glued to the ground refusing to budge and your mind tells you to stay where you are. It tells you that your past is a blur and your future beholds nothing for you. It challenges you to find a light or at least a ray of hope to show you the path. But everything is so dark and hazy ahead; you are afraid of disappearing into nothingness. Then u hear a voice speak to you from within; it's your heart. Shattered and broken into a million tiny pieces, hurt and forlorn, this little bugger still has the strength to tell you " when you have no one else, no hope, no will to live; you still have Allah! He will take your hand and guide you out of it, He loves you more than anyone else can and will always be there for you". You are still standing frozen in the same spot and you are still feeling dazed but at least you know now that this too shall pass.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on finally starting the blog!Hope it goes a long way. Love you hun!
