Saturday 16 April 2011

Music knows no language

Couldn't sleep as usual. Lying in bed, tossing and turning I tried to suppress the urge to get up and clean and organise something, anything! I have the tendency to do that in the middle of the night when it's quiet and peaceful, with no kids wanting to have snacks, no husband demanding your attention, no frantic phone calls by some  friend who needs to borrow your bamboo shoots and a vase because her mother might be visiting the next day ( yes Haleema, you!). And of course at that hour there are no servants acting dumb as a post, no plumbers turning up at the wrong time and no health workers at your doorstep trying to convince you to give your twelve year old polio drops. In other words after midnight is the perfect time to do things I really want to do without any interruptions; such bliss ( except for an uninvited visitor, a cricket that's driving me crazy). Eventually I decided to get out of bed and do something other than cleaning. My profile says I have started this blog because I wanted an outlet to pour my heart out. Now there has been so much pouring of the heart in the last two days that I am probably going to start feeling like an empty vessel soon. Anyways, I started multitasking as usual (a trick that all moms learn without any crash courses); blogging, facebooking, reading a book that I had recently downloaded and listening to music. Not a bad way to cure restlessness I tell you. Amidst all this I started listening to this one song which has become my current favourite. Strange thing is, it's in a language I don't understand at all; it's a Pushto song by a contemporary folk music group from Peshawar. Beautiful melody and lyrics that I would really like to share. The song is 'Reidi Gul' by Yasir, Jawad and Wali Orakzai. Truly, music knows no language, no boundaries...

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