Friday 22 April 2011

10 things about me

  1.  I find the sight of red meat revolting.
  2. I thrive on love.
  3. I clean the house when I'm stressed.
  4. I like to display things in odd numbers otherwise they don't make sense to me. Although certain things in my house are in pairs but that's only because of symmetry. I need everything to be symmetrical.
  5. I still like to read 'The Secret Garden' from time to time.
  6. I love to sing.
  7. I was very flexible even before I started yoga.
  8. I'm a visual person; I have to see things or at least be able to imagine them. If I can't do either then I don't understand them.
  9. Two things that can instantly put me in a good mood are flowers and mix chaat.
  10. I truly believe that if it's conditional, it's not love. I don't stop loving people because they've hurt me or lied to me; I love them inspite of that. 
Those of you who do read my blog posts regularly are most welcome to add 10 things of your own and it can be a long thread which everybody can enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea…here’s mine
    1. My life is an open book and I am not ashamed of it. It’s made me who I am today, and I happen to like the way I’ve turned out!
    2. I always go to my mom for advice. Moms do know best!
    3. The simple things in life make me happy.
    4. I never ever take myself seriously.
    5. I love taking pictures of everything and everyone around me, but hate being photographed myself.
    6. I don’t believe in having regrets.
    7. I march to the beat of my own drums.
    8. I am pretty fearless and adventurous.
    9. I never apologize for being me.
    10. I can’t stand liars, cheaters and phony people.
