Tuesday 20 December 2011

Rag doll

Have you ever seen a rag doll? What happens when you twist and turn its arms? What happens when you drag it everywhere you go or when you dump it when you no longer feel like playing with it? It can be a trusty, silent companion for as long as you want it to be; you trample it, you tread on it, you manhandle it and mistreat it; and when you need something to snuggle into, you find that comfort in it. But what happens when you have abused it enough and grab it by its shoulders and fling it across the room and its weightless, helpless body is thrown mercilessly on the floor? Would anybody care where it hit its head, where it bruised its body or where it scarred its soul? What happens then? NOTHING! Nothing happens... It just smiles back at you the way it always used to; the way it always will.. The plastic, idiotic, freaky smile...Why can't anyone see what's hidden behind the veil, behind the smile? I can... I did... Which is why I saved her six days back...
Friday, December 16, I BURNT the rag doll...

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