Saturday 10 December 2011

Music at the dentist's...

I'm FUSSY! I AM...
Hate to admit it but I really really am :( As much as I like to deny it, my daughter keeps reminding me. I'm fussy about my house being clean and germ-free which is not exactly possible, and I know that but I still go around with my antibacterial spray and disinfected dusters (which I disinfect myself so that I don't clean things with a dirty cloth), and I wipe clean every switch and door handle and phone and remote that I have in the house.
I'm fussy about the clothes I wear; I wash all new clothes after buying them before I wear them for the first time. My family might make fun of me but I have a very valid reason for doing that. God knows how many people had touched them and how many had tried them on; plus what's the harm in washing them? I also like them to be spotless like every 'normal' person; if I see even a teeny tiny stain the size of a dot, I get very upset; which is why when I 'borrow' my daughter's clothes, I often don't return the tops that I really like because I know she will spill something on it eventually or come back home with all sorts of mysterious stains, so I might as well keep them (and yes, we share clothes big time, which was fun for both of us initially; now, not so much for her, still fun for me though). Okay I fuss about clothes quite a bit and I AM somewhat ashamed of it too. I like them to be washed a certain way, hung a certain way on the line, for which I have a very special hanging line; I like them folded MY way and so on.. This makes me realise that I should write a separate post on clothes since I basically started this post with the intention of sharing this new song I had heard somewhere.
I'm also fussy about my music; and since I like to sing also, I'm VERY' particular about the songs I sing. I had to replace the word 'fussy' with 'particular' because this blog should not represent the insane side of me.. I must only write about the sane things I do from now on, i.e. if I can think of any. But for now, my new favourite song since today; thanks to my dentist who put it on while working on my 'chipped' tooth :)

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