Tuesday 10 May 2011

The shrivelled corpse...

The night was still and warm. The trees were casting shadows on the long, winding road. I walked silently towards the dim lights that I could see in the far distance. It was getting darker, with the moon now almost disappearing behind the thick, smoky clouds. At a distance I could see a log. I couldn't really tell what it was. I had to get closer to it to have a proper look but my feet were already aching. I don't know how long I had been walking for. Had it been an hour, a few hours, a day? I had no idea! I felt as if I had spent a lifetime walking. I had to force myself to walk further. I had to! I had to see where the light was coming from. I had nowhere else to go. I took a few more steps till I reached the log. It wasn't a log! It was a shrivelled human body. Just then the moon resurfaced from behind the floating clouds. I stifled my scream. It was my corpse! How could it be? How could I be alive, walking towards the light, yet be lying on the cold, concrete road; helpless, dead! I looked at my cold, lifeless eyes. They had lost all traces of colour and life yet they seemed to be waiting...waiting for something, someone. I had to get away from the corpse. I started moving faster towards the light. I wanted to get as far away from that body as possible. Everything about that night screamed 'DEATH'! I was now almost running to escape it. The shadows became darker. They seemed to have covered the sky now. The moon continued playing hide and seek. The horrifying silence of the night was now engulfing my soul and the shadows were surrounding me from all four sides. I could no longer see ahead. I tried to run faster but the dark, smoky shadows whirled around me, enfolding me completely, pushing me back towards the shrunken, withered corpse. I tried flailing my arms, tried to wrench out of the deathly grip but to no avail. I was now very close to the corpse; so close that I could smell the rotten flesh. I tried one last time to break loose but it was too late. We were now one, the corpse and I...

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