We are a family of magicians. What? You don't believe it? I have proof! Actually, it's just the men in the family that are magicians; us womenfolk are happy being the spectators. It all started when my husband was ten; and no, we were not married back then; that would be creepy. So he went to some mela (fair) and stumbled upon this book on magic tricks. I don't know what possessed him that he actually went ahead and bought it. That's when it all started. His intrigue with magic grew and when we got married, he found his biggest fan in me. I know for a fact and he admits it too, that any other woman would have started finding it irritating after a while but not me. Every time he comes into the kitchen and pulls my arm, dragging me away from my cooking or when he figures out a new trick and starts looking for me around the house; my heart fills with this unexplainable tenderness and love for him. I feel that there's a little boy inside him and the way he looks at me expectantly after performing his tricks, taking a childish delight in my awe-stricken face and my insistence to repeat the trick for me; well, it just makes my heart melt. And he's good, he really really is...
As if one magician was not enough, my ten year old also has this obsessive fascination with magic. He got it from his father, it's in his genes, he can't help it. At ten, he's already making money doing magic shows for the family. With time he's getting richer and we are getting poorer as we are the poor spectators who are being forced into buying tickets for the shows. Now he's insisting he wants to go to his grandma's to perform; which basically means that my poor mother and brother are going to be ripped off. Here are a few pics from yesterday's magic show and yes, lighting was poor but the magician just wouldn't let me put on the lights or open the blinds.
The lil magician with his card tricks..see how he makes a card rise magically ;) |
Preparing to cut the string which he claims will stay intact even after that |
The look on the magician's face when a trick goes wrong |
The triumphant look after the coin disappears from the jar |
Yes, this was there at the entrance and by poor I'm sure he meant himself |
The menu card was hilarious..The free food had basically been stolen from my snack drawer and notice the last line that says 'not free'; you could order from mcdonald's and pay for it yourself and for the magician who wanted a happy meal...
Now where would you get entertainment like this? |
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