As a family, we never claimed to be normal. We do things unconventionally; where my teenage daughter and I share clothes which is fun for me and used to be fun for her initially. Now, not so much fun for her.. I still enjoy it though. We do crazy stuff together, play Dance Central 2 on X-Box Kinect, practice music together, stay up the whole night and talk. My son and I have other activities where we have our heart-to-heart sessions. He likes to watch me cook and be my little helper in the kitchen for he dreams of becoming chef extraordinaire.
We defy all rules and laws and refuse to sit properly. We are often found perched on a table or hunched over a puzzle on the floor. Our favourite spot however, is the stairs. For some odd reason we like to sit on the stairs and talk. Since this is my blog and not only can I write whatever I want, I can also be as random as I wish, for I am the Queen here (add haughtiness to my tone here); I choose to write about crazy stuff we do. Here are just a few glimpses of our family being 'normal', or NOT. Apologies for the poor lighting..
His favourite reading spot at his grandmother's. She does have couches and chairs; we just choose to read on the stairs :)
My little musician loves to entertain me in the kitchen; again, refusing to sit on a chair. Who wants to sit on a chair when we have good ol' floor |
And yes, we multitask big time. Reading the children's section of the newspaper cannot wait, neither can playing with the remote control car. And people, floor again! I'm still trying to understand why he's sitting on the paper while reading it |
Our bedtime ritual |
The nephew joins in the craziness. Who wants to walk on the ground when you can hop in a bucket! |
Ummm the cat also joins in the craziness :) |
When this happens.... |
....this happens ;) |
We offered to buy him a bike, a scooter, a car, a horse, a donkey, a camel, even an ostrich to ride; but my son...why go for the conventional..
Yes, that's my family! |
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