Wednesday 28 September 2011

Crazy Things I Do ;)

  • Every morning I wake up half an hour before the alarm rings because I'm paranoid that I might not wake up to the sound of the alarm, even though I'm a very light sleeper. And then I lie in bed and wait for it to ring half an hour later because I refuse to get out of bed even one minute before I'm actually required to do so. Yeah, that's how crazy I am.
  • These days we have been getting up a little late so I set my alarm at 6:37. I know, I know, you are wondering why not 6:30 or 6:45? See, now 6:30 would be too early, I mean why get up a few minutes earlier than you have to; and 6:45 would be too late and I hate doing things in a rush at the last minute.So 6:37 is perfect :) not too early, not too late.
  • I hate to use other people's earphones because I'm a hygiene freak. Okay this does not reflect very well on me, does it? Anyhow, so if I absolutely HAVE to share someone's earphones, and by someone I mean my daughter, who will not be very pleased with this post; I disinfect them. I know, I'm an evil mom *hangs her head in shame*. Just this morning, while we were on our way to school she was listening to our favourite song. I didn't have that one on my ipod so once we were close to school, she handed me hers.  I took a tissue and started cleaning it while she rolled her eyes at me. Then I dabbed a little sanitizer on the tissue and started with that. Poor thing couldn't take it anymore and said: 'Now that is really offensive mama! You can't even use your own daughter's earphones? You need to sterilize them?' So my little one asks what sterlizing is and she says 'to make something germ-free'.  I felt so ashamed of myself, I really did; but I continued with the vigorous cleaning because that's who I am, take it or leave it.
  • I steal my 13 year old daughter's clothes and never return them :) Yes, I'm a thief, but I have a very good excuse for that. See, I'm very particular and don't like to wear anything with even a tiny spot or stain, even if nobody can see it. If I return her clothes, chances are that she will spill coke on it at a friend's party or come back with some sort of a mysterious stain. Now the next time I need to wear it and the stain does not come off, what will I do? So that's why... Most probably this will be my last post because she might kill me for writing all this for the whole world to see, so goodbye my friends...

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